The concepts that Apple should implement Jailbreak iPhone OS 6

The concepts that Apple should implement Jailbreak iPhone OS 6

As we know in iOS 5, Apple has introduced some features that could be implemented thanks to Cydia Tweak  in previous versions of firmware. So he plagiarized by so-called home-made applications ... Let's see the interesting tweak that should be added natively to 6 IOS .
WIDGET API: What would be great if Apple would open API, many developers could implement their applications in the center of the widget Notifications allow users to interact directly with this function offered by Apple.
CENTER NOTIFICATION: tweak how  IntelliscreenX Lockinfo  allow greater control of notifications compared to that offered natively by Apple that should make the Notifications screen release much more intuitive. At this time all the notifications on the lock screen are eliminated when sblocchiamo the device. But why not keep transparency in the visible notifications until it is actually displayed? Another thing that Apple should implement, is the rapid response to some of its applications such as Messaging. For now, when we receive a text message in the messages we must necessarily bring us to respond. In this example obvious BiteSMS , which allows to quickly respond to text messages without opening any applications we receive.
API SIRI: Siri does not allow you to interface to any application is not approved by Apple. A request that many developers are asking to Apple, is to open APIs which let you to use the Siri Assistant Speech to use their own applications such as Facebook or others. A tweak that allows just that right now, is  AssistantExtensions .
MULTITASKING AND SHORTCUTS: Tweak as  Zephyr  brought new gestures on the iPhone and iPod touch, and, according to many users, Apple should implement this function natively even on iOS 6 .
MAIL APPLICATION: A Tweak that currently helps many users,  Mail Enhancer allows you to add new features facilitating Mail the application of the very lives of many users.
FOLDERS: It 'absolutely hated the fact that Apple allows you to enter only 12 applications in a folder on the iPhone and the iPad 20. Tweak as Infinifolders and Folder Enhancer let you put an infinite number of applications in folders and allows you to create folders within folders ...
THEMES OR NEW HOME SCREEN: It 's time that Apple needs to re-design the home screen or give us a way to customize it. With iOS 4, Apple introduced the ability to set a picture as the Home screen background, but as we all know, the Home screen has not changed since the first iPhone OS. At the time, some such as Tweak Cydia Winterboard allows you to change the theme of our iPhone or iPad customizing every part of the operating system.

1 comment:

  1. What would be great if Apple would open API, many developers could implement their applications in the center of the widget Notifications allow users to interact directly with this function offered by Apple.

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