Apple: we stopped the monopoly of Amazon in the publishing industry ...
In a comment made to AllThingsD , Apple spokesman, Tom Neumayr , defends the company's position, arguing that:
The accusation against Apple Mail from the Department of Justice is simply false. The launch of the iBookstore in 2010, has promoted innovation and competition, breaking the monopoly power of Amazon publishing industry. Since then, customers have benefited from more interactive and engaging eBook. Just as we have allowed developers to decide the prices on the App Store, the editors decide the prices on the iBookstore.
It is interesting to see how Apple is making statements about legal issues, something that the company rarely, if ever, done before the reign of Steve Jobs . Obviously this is just a side note. The important thing about this statement is that Apple feels sure of his reasons ...
Lawyers have commented saying that because the road is all uphill and it seems to be in favor of Apple . Some note that the publishers have met and discussed a model agency on the model of freedom introduced by the Cupertino and publishers will not be guilty in the eyes of the examiners' Antitrust .
Amazon has an 80% market e-books , we can not see how the DOJ can honestly prove that Apple's actions are wrong.
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