Flashback: Apple releases an update to eliminate the virus!

Flashback: Apple releases an update to eliminate the virus!

Today, we received the news of the release by Apple of an upgrade to Oracle once and for all that fixes the flaw that plagued the previous revision, which has enabled Flashback to invade systems.

Flashback for those who do not know it is a threat created last year, but widespread in recent times in MAC systems, 600 000 are the victims, by updating the victims have been reduced to 275 000 which is still a big number, but it is also always an improvement.
The patch stage of the hole on the operating system Oracle of Apple, disabling the automatic startup Java applet that now require a manual operation which is good to avoid unpleasant situations in the future. The Flashback has virtually made ​​to kneel Macs, is one of the most important and widespread threats in the history information of Cupertino home. Within a few weeks, the infected computers have increased dramatically thanks to Apple but the problem was solved.
The question arises. As the virus spreads Flashback? Through an update of Java, the user takes home 2 things at a price that is the update of java and the virus. Apple recommends upgrading the system not only to eliminate the virus already circulating the net that the Flashback, but also to avoid unpleasant situations in the future with much more powerful and destructive viruses.
In this last period, the apple is the center of attack by malware, trojans and viruses, which is why Apple has decided to develop an antivirus that will be issued on or after April 17, 2012 that in addition to Mac defend against threats, eliminate those that are currently ensnared in the Mac user. Antivirus will be distributed through the Appstore!
We just have to wait.

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