A virus for Mac from Apple

A virus for Mac from Apple

After the spread of a recent, disturbing, effective and powerful virus that has struck many Mac , Apple has decided to go to work to avoid unpleasant situations in the future.
600 000 victims are currently affected by the recent virus called Flashback which apparently infects only the MAC. Directly from Cupertino home comes a new Antivirus that will be released soon for free and will allow users of the Apple of guard against any threat.
As Apple says, the virus Flashback can very well camouflaged in the guise of an update of a software legally, this is why the infection is so widespread and the number of users affected is so high. Born in September still continues to spread, despite the flaw has been covered with Oracle , unfortunately there are still many around the Mac web is not updated.
Apple has officially announced that he intends not only to remove this threat from Mac users, but also protect you from possible infection for this reason has decided to develop an antivirus. As you say, the end of the bonanza for the Flashback for its creator. According to the rumors, Apple is working with providers of internet to eradicate the virus at the root by removing the malware, online, your Mac will sleep on a basket of apples 7. Releasing the antivirus is set for April 17 barring unforeseen circumstances, we just have to wait for a confirmation or denial.
If your Mac has been infected and do not want to wait for the antivirus, please proceed to the elimination of the virus with the following manual procedure made ​​by the editor "Massimo Virgilio" in melaiphone :
Open the Terminal application on your Mac and type:
"defaults read / Applications / Safari.app / Contents / Info LSEnvironment"
Take note of the codes and press send DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES
If you receive an error message similar to "The domain / default pair of (/ Applications / Safari.app / Contents / Info, LSEnvironment) does not exist"  is not infected .
If the files are actually found, type:
"grep-a-o '__ldpath__ [- ~] *'%% percorso_del_punto_2"
and note the value next to "__ldpath__"
Run the commands:
"sudo defaults delete / Applications / Safari.app / Contents / Info LSEnvironment" and
"sudo chmod 644 / Applications / Safari.app / Contents / Info.plist"
and then deleting the files found in the second and fourth.
 Run the command:
"defaults read ~ / .MacOSX / environment DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES"
and, if you receive a message like "The domain / default pair of (/ Users / joe / .MacOSX / environment, DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES) does not exist"  is a trojan been properly removed .
Otherwise, rerun:
"grep-a-o '__ldpath__ [- ~] *'% 4% percorso_del_punto", taking note of the values.
After performing "defaults delete ~ / .MacOSX / environment DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES launchctl DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES unsetenv", delete the files mentioned in the preceding paragraphs.

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