Microsoft versus Apple products

Microsoft versus Apple products

Those of you not aware of the rivalry between Microsoft and Apple? By now the war has gone on for many years, now that Bill Gates has retired from the stage to devote himself to his wife at a charity Jobs and died of pancreatic cancer, the new CEO of Microsoft and Apple continue what we started time ago.
Microsoft requires the employees through an internal communication made by Alain Crozier not to buy Apple products with the funds earned from the famous company. Microsoft currently boasts more than 46 thousand employees around the world, the purpose of the great colossus of Uncle Bill is to remove all products from the brand apple hardware vendors.
We have established a new policy that prohibits the purchase of Apple products with corporate funds, at least in the U.S. we also intend to remove all Apple products from the catalog from next week!
In 2010, all employees have received a free smartphone Windows Phone as it is absolutely forbidden to use products of other companies, it's like working in Fiat and go to work with a Golf. We do not know if Microsoft or any other company in legal terms can prevent an employee to purchase Apple products on their salaries sentence dismissal, but for now the situation is this.
Want to work at Microsoft? Sell ​​your iphone, ipod or ipad or any other Apple product because you can certainly take it to work, but no biggie Microsoft will give you a Windows phone, maybe a Nokia 900 Lumia, who knows, of course if you are U.S. employees. Frankly I find this kind of speech to just how bizarre and unfair, I think that everyone is free to buy whatever he wants with his salary.
And what do you think?

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