Guide to downgrade baseband 06.15 iPhone 3G and 3G!

Guide to downgrade baseband 06.15 iPhone 3G and 3G!

Do you have an iPhone 3G or 3G stranger? Do you want to downgrade the baseband? Then you are right, because today we want to share with you a step by step guide that will help in this.
The first thing to do is head to the Extras menu of the latest version of Redsnow Select item and select the IPSW and indicate the version of firmware you have on your smartphone.
Turn off the phone with the Slide to Power Off
On the Welcome to Redsnow Click Jailbreak
Enable the option Downgrade baseband form iPad
Disable install Cydia and click on Next
Follow the steps on the screen by connecting your smartphone into DFU mode
The display of your iPhone, you will see a place with the written un'ananas Flashing Baseband, at the end of the process you will have your iPhone with baseband downgraded.
Note: For those who have an iPhone 3G that does not involve any kind of problem, while those who have a 3G, should know that the iPad baseband is not compatible with all models but only with those products by the number 34 in 2011 . If you perform the downgrade of a device not listed you may find an iPod Touch instead of an iPhone 3G!
The latest version of Redsnow, as we said yesterday, also allows jailbrekkare the IOS version 6 BETA 1, useful if you have an iPhone 3G or later. Needless to say that the iPhone 3G is not compatible with the iPhone OS 6 as well as with some previous data that went into retirement, so to speak for a year or more.
Note 2: We melaiphone , we do not assume any liability for damage caused to your device, do the procedure at your own risk.
Below we present the link to download the latest version of Redsnow for Mac and Windows:

0.9.14b1 redsn0w for Mac

Redsn0w 0.9.14b1 for Windows

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